Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome to Your Course Rep Training

  • 2

    About Your Students' Union

    • Your SU & Officers

  • 3

    What is a Course Rep?

    • What is a Course Rep?

    • Roles and Responsibilities

  • 4

    The Student Voice Process

    • Ask, Tell, Yell

  • 5

    Ask: Gathering Feedback

    • Ask: Gathering Feedback

  • 6

    Tell: Student Voice Meetings

    • Tell: Student Voice Meetings

  • 7

    Yell: Closing the Feedback Loop

    • Closing the Feedback Loop

  • 8

    Supporting Others

    • Supporting Others

  • 9

    Rep Support & Rewards

    • Rep Support & Rewards

  • 10

    Thank You & Quiz!

    • Thank You!

    • Quiz!